As part of the initiative “Teachers in companies – internships for teachers” last week we hosted a teacher from the Crafts School Koprivnica for a two-day internship. Teacher Neven is an electrical engineer and works on workshop exercises and practical classes. Read in our blog how he managed in ALTPRO!
Teacher experience
Through practical work and communication with employees and managers who were available, the teacher gained insight into the daily work of the company, got acquainted with the operational processes in the company and gained personal experience in the business world.
He got acquainted with the equipment and material resources for working in the visited departments in the Production sector. He also learned about the procedures for adjusting the operation of the assembly, eliminating errors and irregularities on printed circuit boards, and the types of controls and tests. He visited the R&D department, composition of assemblies, adjustment of assemblies, quality control, preparation and manufacture of connectors, composition of distribution cabinets, manufacture of windings, final testing and trials.
“Impressions from internship are excellent. The company is very well organized, the working atmosphere is stimulating, and the employees have good working conditions and the possibility of advancement and education. Everyone was very cordial and ready to answer the questions asked. “- Neven concluded at the end of the internship.

About the project
Advantage Austria – Austrian Office for Foreign Trade and the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, with the help of project partners – Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Swiss Embassy and Knowledge in Action Foundation – organized the second cycle internships for vocational school teachers.
The main goal of the whole initiative is to build better cooperation between entrepreneurship and vocational education. ALTPRO participated in this project for the first time, but certainly not the last! With excellent experience and cooperation with the organizers, we were pleased to host a teacher who is interested in developing his knowledge and skills and passing them on to younger generations.