
Rational use of energy sources, reduction of the amount of waste, careful handling and replacement of hazardous substances, optimal process management and awareness raising among employees are just some of the goals of ALTPRO’s Quality, Environment and Safety Policy. In accordance with the Quality, Environment and Safety Policy, we apply the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, and a number of other norms and standards for individual products in accordance with user requirements.

Global trends

Along with the growing trends of urbanization, globalization and demographic changes, the demand for mobility and all forms of transportation is constantly growing. At the same time, there is a growing need to reduce the further growth of pollution and climate change in order to shape environmentally sustainable solutions and a sustainable future.

0,6 %

is the share of CO2 emissions produced by railways in relation to the rest of the transport sector

1 train

can transport passengers like 15 buses or 250 - 1000 cars

80 %

rail traffic in Europe is powered by electricity

*Source: On Track to a Greener Transport Future, UNIFE

The railway is green and sustainable!

Rail is mainly electrified and emits far less CO2 than equivalent travel by road or air. It accounts for only 0.4% of greenhouse gas emissions from EU traffic, while all EU traffic accounts for 25% of total EU emissions. In addition, it is the only means of transport that constantly reduced emissions and energy consumption between 1990 and 2017, and increasingly used renewable energy sources.

*Source: Statistical Pocketbook 2020

Environmental policy

ALTPRO strives to develop, sell and deliver hardware, software, services and solutions with excellent sustainability performance and contributes to the sustainable development of society.

Based on ALTPRO research, contributes to pillars of sustainable development:

ALTPRO is a specialized signalling company which provides safety critical signalling systems used on railway infrastructure and in railway vehicles.

Over 30 years of experience in research, development and production in railway sector have made ALTPRO one of the key factors in the global market with solutions in more than 50 countries on 6 continents.

Since quality and innovation are ALTPRO’s ways to stay competitive on the market, the Company is certifying its products in independent international certification institutions for the highest safety integrity levels (SIL 4).

Currently, more the 200 experts in 5 locations in Croatia and the region work in line with ALTPRO’s vision of innovative, integrated and sustainable approach to railways all over the world to bring the safety of railway transport to a higher level.

How do we take care of the environment?

ALTPRO is committed to leaving as little harmful impact on the environment as possible. In doing so, it recognizes the environmental aspects that are monitored and evaluated.

ALTPRO continuously monitors energy consumption, influences rationalization, manages the sorting of useful waste for all locations and keeps records on this.

Quality, environment and safety policy

It is extremely important for ALTPRO to ensure a safe working environment and to promote and protect the health, safety and well-being of employees and all those involved in the company’s processes.

ALTPRO nurtures zero tolerance to alcohol, and is committed to preventing injuries and occupational diseases.

In its business, ALTPRO does not record any fatal or serious injuries, and by continuously analyzing the risks, it strives to maintain such a trend. Altpro also meets customer requirements in terms of health and safety, which often go beyond local legal requirements.

At ALTPRO, we consider it necessary:

  • apply a risk analysis-based approach to prevent, control and mitigate work-related hazards and risks
  • use key performance indicators and apply best practices to continuously improve our work processes and work environment
  • record and investigate incidents and imminent failures and analyze causes and trends to prevent their recurrence
  • design jobs and work processes and provide tools that promote employee health, safety and well-being
  • provide the necessary training and other applicable ways to develop competencies, to ensure that workers have the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience
  • engage, collaborate and consult with employees, employee representatives, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to gain their contribution to the continuous improvement of the health and safety management system
  • communicate effectively and implement health and safety measures, maintaining policies and requirements with workers and others for them to learn and understand their responsibilities and always adopt safe behavior

ALTPRO in the International Exhibition for Track Technology (IAF)