We participated in the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Career Day in Zagreb! This year’s Career Day featured 28 companies from the area of traffic and logistics which introduced students to its employment plans and expectations. ALTPRO had its own booth and the representatives held an interesting presentation about the possibilities of career development of new […]
ALTPRO representatives participated at the „European Railway Award“, an annual event co-organized by UNIFE and CER on 20th of February 2019. The event was held at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium and gathered around 500 participants. There was a panel discussion on the topic of „Strong railway network for European mobility“ which attracted […]
Under the patronage of the Croatian Ministry of economy, entrepreneurship and craftsmanship, the first Committee meetings were held on 17th and 18th of January 2019. The Committees are active within five priority areas of the Croatian government’s smart specialization strategy for the period of 2016 to 2020 which are concerned with the health and quality […]
For the second time in a row, ALTPRO participated in the biggest PCB Design Summit in the world – AltiumLive 18 held in Munich. The conference consists of a variety of educational lectures held by some of the most renowned experts in the field of electronics. ALTPRO participated as the only research and development company from Croatia. […]
ALTPRO has had numerous successful innovation exhibitions this year! With its product „AP AUTOSTOP“, ALTPRO has recently been awarded by fairs held in Taiwan. Fair KIDE (Kaohsiung International Invention & Design) awarded ALTPRO the gold medal and the special award of the Indonesian innovation delegation for the exhibition on the fair. Furthermore, fair TIE (Taiwan Innotech […]
Forum “EU-Africa” was held in Vienna organized by the Republic of Austria. The event had both political and economic components. ALTPRO representatives took the chance in Vienna to sign a significant Contract with one Austrian buyer. ALTPRO has been exporting to Africa since 2006. During the last 2 years, there has been an increase of […]
We participated in Career Speed Dating at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb organized by FER and eStudent! We had the opportunity to talk to a large number of prospective students, some of whom had already done practical work at ALTPRO. With a student community activity, the company has the opportunity to hire young talents and […]
Želkon conference has always been one of the most relevant events for ALTPRO in the region and it has stayed that way till today. Many associates and friends who cooperate with ALTPRO all these years gathered at the event. During the event, ALTPRO signed a memorandum of understanding with Faculty of expert railway studies from […]
On Thursday, September 20th, 2018, ALTPRO has signed a Global Strategic Cooperation Agreement with its partner LEN Industries in Indonesia, on the world’s largest railway technology fair – InnoTrans in Berlin. Collaboration will take place through joint development for research, production and export of railway safety products. The signing of the contract was attended by the […]
For the 8th consecutive time (starting 2004) ALTPRO will be exhibiting its innovations at InnoTrans in the booth 505 in hall 6.2! Innotrans has been a very important event for the Company and fueled ALTPRO’s growth throughout the years. This Innotrans will mark the start of ALTPRO’s global expansion strategy, backed up with 100% more resource capacities […]