We participated in the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Career Day in Zagreb! This year’s Career Day featured 28 companies from the area of traffic and logistics which introduced students to its employment plans and expectations. ALTPRO had its own booth and the representatives held an interesting presentation about the possibilities of career development of new […]
ALTPRO representatives participated at the „European Railway Award“, an annual event co-organized by UNIFE and CER on 20th of February 2019. The event was held at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium and gathered around 500 participants. There was a panel discussion on the topic of „Strong railway network for European mobility“ which attracted […]
Under the patronage of the Croatian Ministry of economy, entrepreneurship and craftsmanship, the first Committee meetings were held on 17th and 18th of January 2019. The Committees are active within five priority areas of the Croatian government’s smart specialization strategy for the period of 2016 to 2020 which are concerned with the health and quality […]
ALTPRO has had numerous successful innovation exhibitions this year! With its product „AP AUTOSTOP“, ALTPRO has recently been awarded by fairs held in Taiwan. Fair KIDE (Kaohsiung International Invention & Design) awarded ALTPRO the gold medal and the special award of the Indonesian innovation delegation for the exhibition on the fair. Furthermore, fair TIE (Taiwan Innotech […]
On Thursday, September 20th, 2018, ALTPRO has signed a Global Strategic Cooperation Agreement with its partner LEN Industries in Indonesia, on the world’s largest railway technology fair – InnoTrans in Berlin. Collaboration will take place through joint development for research, production and export of railway safety products. The signing of the contract was attended by the […]
Director of ALTPRO Zvonimir Viduka participated as a panelist in a conference “5 years of Croatia and EU“. The conference was imagined as a point of experience and success stories exchange between companies and government officials. Financial reports were also presented and showed that Croatia has a sufficit when it comes to Croatian payments towards […]
On 24/5/2018 ALTPRO installed the new level crossing protection system type RLC23 on LX „Šušanj“. The installation of the equipment was conducted in the cooperation with the experts from Montenegro Railway Infrastructure. By implementing the newest innovative solution for level crossing protection on a very frequent and dangerous crossing, the Montenegro Railway Infrastructure now has […]
Director of ALTPRO Mr. Zvonimir Viduka becomes the member of the Croatian academy of engineering in the entrepreneurship section. Long term innovative work of Mr. Viduka in the Croatian economy and his contribution to export and development was recognized once again, this time by the leading academical society of scientists of engineering orientation. „It is […]
ODRA 2, ALTPRO’s new innovation and development center, has been opened officially on the 27th of April in Zagreb. Vice president of the Croatian government and the minister of economy, entrepreneurship and crafts Mrs. Martina Dalić has also been present during the ceremony. „ALTPRO is an example of a producer who is creating added value using […]
According to strategic guidelines of providing continuous safety to its customers, ALTPRO signed „The European Railway Safety Culture Declaration“ thus joining the European railway leaders who support this initiative started by the European Union Agency for Railways. The declaration demonstrates the commitment of European railway leaders to raise awareness and promote a positive safety culture […]