
ALTPRO member of Economy council

11. February 2020.

Constitutional plenary session of Economy council in Croatian Chamber of Commerce Zagreb was held on 29 January 2020. The new Council was elected for the next mandatory period from 2020. to 2024.

The new Order of activities was agreed and new members of the Council were elected who will be representing the interests of the City of Zagreb. As a company which was participating in the work of this Council for a long time, ALTPRO was honored by electing its director, Mr. Zvonimir Viduka, as a deputy president of the Council.

The elected president of the Council is Mr. Vitomir Klasić from company Ivanićplast d.o.o.:“ We have great companies here, people around this table employ almost one third of the workforce in the City of Zagreb, export to more than 50 countries of the world on all continents. You are the positive picture of Croatia and our main mission is cooperation between us and with any company interested in order for our economy to grow. Our goal is to raise questions about potential challenges so we would be able to achieve more. And every action has to be in the best interest of this City.“.