
ALTPRO at the conference ” Days of Regional Development and EU Funds“

11. December 2023.

Altpro participated at the conference “Days of Regional Development and EU Funds“, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Croatian membership in the European Union and successful EU projects. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, in Šibenik from December 7 to 9.

The ceremonial opening was marked by the speeches of the Prime Minister, Andrej Plenković, and the Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, Šime Erlić. The conference program covered a variety of topics and specific areas of regional development, with an emphasis on the experiences of users of EU funds that contributed to the improvement of the economy and quality of life throughout the country. Panels were held with representatives of local and regional self-governments and entrepreneurs who, with the support of EU funds, stimulated investment cycles, developed new products and strengthened various branches of the economy.

At a special panel entitled “If there were no EU funds, these products wouldn’t even exist“, Altpro’s director of business operations, Petar Milas, shared information about new products and investments made by Altpro thanks to EU funds.