For the 8th consecutive time (starting 2004) ALTPRO will be exhibiting its innovations at InnoTrans in the booth 505 in hall 6.2! Innotrans has been a very important event for the Company and fueled ALTPRO’s growth throughout the years.
This Innotrans will mark the start of ALTPRO’s global expansion strategy, backed up with 100% more resource capacities and numerous innovations in both railway production programmes ALTPRO has – signalling for railway infrastructure and safety systems for railway vehicles.
Along with the world renowned level crossing protection system RLC23, ALTPRO will present the following innovations:
- Axle counter BO23-MT with unique sensoring capabilities
- Software application CENDIS for safe transmission and data archiving
- ATP system RAS90 based on INDUSI PZB90 technology
- Test device for INDUSI track balises PMi3
- Test device for INDUSI locomotive balise LMi18
Do not hesitate to contact us through any channel you might find the most convenient (Web form, mail, phone, Facebook, LinkedIn, G+) and arrange a meeting with us.
We will be happy to see you at our booth!