Team building: hike to Sljeme

30. September 2021.

We had the idea of ​​a trip to Sljeme for some time and we finally managed to organize it on September 11 and enjoy a beautiful sunny day. The guide through this adventure was our colleague and experienced mountaineer Marko Crnić. Read in this blog which way we went and how it was on the hike!

We gathered in the parking lot near the Šestine church (near the cemetery) and at about 9 o’clock we set off on the Miroslavac educational trail towards the Queen’s Well. There we rested a bit and continued on trail 11 (so-called Bažulofka). Then we parted a bit, so the fastest colleagues went all the way to the top, and the rest of the team headed on trail 15 towards the Grofica, with easy walking, laughing, photographing the beautiful nature and enjoying the hiking.

Everyone happily arrived at the Grofica restaurant a little after noon, where we were greeted by the team that came with the cars. After a little rest, lots of water and a few aperitifs, we entered inside the restaurant where they prepared a big table for the lunch. They prepared us fine soups, hunting stew and of course large plates with mixed meat from the grill. After good food and a few beers / spritzers, the body recovered quickly from fatigue and we happily headed back. Colleagues with the children decided to go back by bus, and most of us went down, as we came, on foot.

We took the road to Tomislav lodge, where we climbed again on trail 26 and slowly walked through the woods over the Women’s Saddle to the mountain lodge Grafičar. There we planned to quickly refresh ourselves and move on, but we were carried away by the atmosphere and the fine homemade strudel, so we played guitar a little and sang to the general satisfaction of all of us, and other guests on the terrace. The atmosphere and the song took us so far that we were constantly postponing our return, so it was already really dark when we went down to Šestinski lagvić, and from Grafičar we started on trail 50 towards Medvedgrad and further towards Šestine.

We can rightly say that this was a full day trip! The idea we had for a trip to Sljeme was fully realized and we spent the whole day in nature, in informal socializing, walking about 20 km, helping each other in physically difficult moments, having a nice lunch, drinking a little, playing guitar, singing…